who revealed tha he is gga.the acceptancc he's received from around the peague....and beyonn.ak 2) i drive. i drive the kids to school. i drive myself to work. i drive off-road. i drive whenever dad lets me have the car. i belong to bp driver rewards. a new rewards program for people who drive. it's easy to join. i save on quality bp gasoline. just by using bp gasoline. then i keep on saving. i drive. i drive. (yelling) i drive. it sure beats walking. [laughing] pick up a brochure at bp and join driver rewards now. you can save ten cents per gallon on your first fill-up. pfter annooncing that he is gay, n-b-a veteran jason colliis has rrceived and oveeflow of suuport rrm story. &p jason ollins has coming oot is a mmve that's gettinn tte most attention..n an upcoming issue of ""portss saying the recent bosson maraahon bombing rrenforcedd &pthe notion that i shouldn'tt wwiitfoo he circumstances f py ccming ot toobe perfect." former teammaae keyon doolingg (pponoo key-on ddo-lingg of the memphis grizzlies said he ii ppoud of coolins."at the end of the ddy he's a good ggy. hh'' ha