we will also be speaking with alex stamos in california and stanford, university. his a forensics expert. he planned to testify at an swartz's trial. he would have been a chief defense witness. we did invite mit and the attorney's office, but they declined. taren stinebrickner-kauffman, first of all, our condolences on the loss of aaron. he committed suicide last friday. the funeral was just two days ago. you found him breathe he hung himself in a brooklyn apartment that you shared. talk about aaron. was about what's or who he and what he wanted and the effect of this upcoming trial. >> aaron was the most dedicated to fighting social injustice of anyone i've ever met in my life and i loved him for it. dosed to say, why don't we this? it will make you happy. he would say, i don't want to be happy, i just want to change the world. open access to information was one of the causes he believed in, but it was far from the only one. during the course of this two- year ordeal, he led the fight against sopa, the internet censorship bill, which no one thought to be defeated