the homicide victims 84-year-old patrick depoemia and his 79-year-old wife evelyn likable but doesn't relatives. >> the de palmase my great uncle and aunt. evelyn was my grandfather's sister. the children and i went over there and scrubbed her house and did all kinds of stuff for her. >> on october 28th, 2006, an intruder drives up to the de palma's remote home in the small community. >> they were stabbed and cut multiple times. mrs. de palma is located in the back bedroom. mr. de palma was in that hallway. >> 16 at the time of the murders. >> by the time the police visit his home, two years after the crime, alex is a senior at taen tampa's freedom high school. >> alex is a good old country boy, he says, yes, sir, i do. and alex said, do you hunt and he says, yeah, but i hunt men and once you hunt men, it is a totally different game. >> alex then drives himself to the sheriff's office, gets issued a guest pass, and goes inside the box with detective laken. >> i've never been interrogated or whatever you call it. >> not interrogated. it is called you helping me out, man. >> i was pro law enforcement. seemed like