jason treadaway, daker's shadow attorney during trial, agrees. >> the circumstances of how daker's haircame to be on that bed, what kind of more pivotal evidence could there possibly be? i believe the man deserves a new trial. >> how can you believe anything lottie says, though, now? >> i think when you have a man's liberty and life at stake you have to believe what she says. how can you at least not allow 12 different people to hear her version now, and let them decide if it's true or not. >> they were an unlikely couple when they met. even more unlikely partners today. but after all these years, lottie and waseem are still very much a part of each other's lives. are you ever going to give up on waseem? are you in this until all appeals are exhausted? >> yes. i played a role. of an innocent man being falsely convicted for crimes he did not do. i've got to make it right. >> i have no doubt that waseem baker is a cold-blooded killer and that justice has been served with his conviction. i certainly hope that the supreme court agrees. if they disagree. guess what we do tomorrow? we try him