seriously at the time. 50 years later, san francisco city engineer, michael a haughnessy -- michael o'shaughnessy began to discuss the idea around 1916, with an experience bridge builder named joseph strauss. joseph strauss for this terrific idea and in the 1920's he propagandize the idea throughout northern california. what is interesting, to me, is that in some ways, this beautiful bridge that we know so well, did not come to pass easily. first of all, it was clear in the 1920's that there is a need for something like this because there was a much traffic. the therapists were backed up as -- the ferryboats were backed up as they tried to take people across the water. however, the ferryboats oppose d the coming of the bridge because they wanted to continue to make profits by taking people across from ron -- from marin county to san francisco and so forth. they put up a big fight. the lobbyists and the legislature and so forth. there were even some suits. there were objections from the army and also from the navy. at that time, it was the army air corps, and they said, if the bridge is bombed or