liian: peoe here, the occiers, arabout th environnt, abouhousing, bout schls, aboujobs. ess. i's abt a couny that aows ccess, n one thaa few ar a positn to connue to xploit t middle ass and e poor--thshrinkinmiddle class ra initial i came wn here, was insred by t protests to ce down. en i waswhen i ent to tt rally wall steet, i h no inteion atsoeveof beingrrested. jeffy: if weave a prer govement thais fair, that is insisng on reonsibili by he rich d the porful, th isnvestinin the pr and th working ass, makg sure tt everybo has a cnce for educatio we' going thave a far irer andore equa society llian: t first wk you we here libertylaza, ias here lking, tking, you knowi talkedo everyby. se: i di't el strony as out becong an acvist yet you kn? it's almostike you' aware a you're like, man, th's ssed up.ut what can io about ? i was that oint of me that,hat can riously about i like, here's nothini can doi felt perless. russl: and pple feel lpless, t those o are inspiredo changet are ring up. n with itar: ♪ hold on old on ccupy, hd on ♪ [indistct chatt] jose: came thfirst da i re