there are a familiar sight for holiday makers in greece the colorful chi yukio fishing boats . but the traditional wooden boats are an increasingly rare sight the european union pays fishermen cash if they scrap their car yukiya demetrius maracas is the last boat builder on the island of show us now he has to destroy the boats that he built over the past decades otherwise the fishermen won't get their subsidy maracas is appalled. after days after i think about all the energy i put into them i want to meant to be over the years now. that i know in supposed to destroy all this that i'm stunned. breaks my heart. not by labelling. but the real problem is is that it puts the fishermen in this terrible situation. i don't discuss tony s. owns a fish restaurant he also gave up his boat last year. taxes for it kept rising and his catch when told it was a difficult decision but at least he got 100000 euros for the boat. now he has to buy his fish for his restaurant elsewhere and he still misses his boat. the u.n. calls the mediterranean the world's most overfished sea those are hardly to