imperialism and you know i mean i've got a very dear friend edwina spinella who was jailed for 19 months in a u.s. run basically u.s. run u.s. bill maximum security prison in honduras for protesting a stolen election that put into power a narco dictator that's only in power because the u.s. supported it. you know a year you know maximum year prison sentences is nothing if if my standing my putting my body in the way of imperialism can have any impact whatsoever then it's worth it it's worth it it's. most of these these interventions in other countries in these illegal coercive measures sabotaging other people's economies that are which is basic to our foreign policy gets away with it by the propaganda in this country the media is just a tool for the foreign policy the ministration and if we can have any voice and we've been told that some success in that of changing the narrative on what's happening with venezuela in this country and also in that makes it worth it and also the people in venezuela we've heard from the people who are struggling we often said the. respectfully that the even