they could run a 50 ford fairlane and i would vote.ould vote for the ford fairlane over donald trump. so, it's just whoever the nominee is will have my vote. jasper, indiana, republican line, go ahead. jasper, indiana. leroy, go ahead. indiana? you are on the air. go ahead. caller: i'm sick and hired of elections. the candidates should concentrate on their platforms instead of criticizing other candidates. that is childish. right, linda is up next in marks, mississippi, democratic line. caller: yes, good morning. host: good morning. i am voting for a think joe biden is the best one in the democratic primary to bring this country together. bring ite ability to .ogether, to heal it and he has the experience, foreign and domestic. i don't, you know, bernie, .ernie is too old, too angry i just can't vote for him. i just can't. , ihe gets the nomination think that's another interest for trump. host: do you think a joe biden's age is a concern at all? caller: no, not really. all of them are old men, including trump. joe will let you see his