now support a lower allocation to absolute return and new allocation to global asset allocation per nepc july 15 document. my actual preference, as i said years ago, so heavily overweight what the strongest equities and pay them yourself and paying that edging cost instead of absurd hedge fund fees. as i have also said in each market cycle t strongest assets are different but quite persistent. in the 2010 bull market, they were the largest tech stocks which everybody knew that outperformed every fund manager in every class. please seriously think about that. please include the monday written comments in the minutes, not the verbal comments today. thank you for the opportunity to comment and good luck. >> a thank you for your comments. moderator, do we have any further calls? >> madam secretary, there are no more callers. >> thank you. hearing no further calls, public comment is closed. president bridges? >> president: thank you, madam secretary. next item please. next item in item 15, discussion item. deferred compensation manager report. >> good afternoon, everyone. thank you for your t