Oct 25, 2020
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xavier: also a designer. my name is xavier. let you know what's been going on the last couple of weeks. we kind of realized the company was not being run the way that we wanted it to be run, 'cause we were really focused on one single customer. and we wanted to break out on our own, and we've been doing this for 3 years. skyler: and even though that we're a new company, like, we're totally ready to go with any of the requirements that you guys might have, whether it's logistically or anything like that, so, you know, we're ready to fulfill. xavier: so, first off, thanks for coming to see us. we really appreciate it. and when it comes to everkin, we really wanted to make a case for everybody, a product for everybody. we wanted everyone to feel like kin. jon: i think it's great. sarah: i especially like that it has a story and that there's meaning to it. sunshine: cool. so, what we really want to do at everkin is take what's hot and new and make it more special and make it ours. but we're not just slapping marble textures onto ca
xavier: also a designer. my name is xavier. let you know what's been going on the last couple of weeks. we kind of realized the company was not being run the way that we wanted it to be run, 'cause we were really focused on one single customer. and we wanted to break out on our own, and we've been doing this for 3 years. skyler: and even though that we're a new company, like, we're totally ready to go with any of the requirements that you guys might have, whether it's logistically or anything...
Sep 8, 2020
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xavier: gracias a dios tengo unos ahorros, pero cada mes ves cÓmo baja tu cuenta y empieza a subir.e pÉrdida de mi hermano xavier ortiz que muchos de ustedes lo conocen como "conejo". compaÑero, hermano de garibaldi. aylÉn: xavier estudiÓ para ser cirujano dentista, sin embargo decidiÓ incursionar en el mundo del modelaje y luego en la industria de la mÚsica, teatro y el cine. se dio a conocer en el grupo garibaldi cuando tenÍa 17 aÑos y participÓ en novelas como camila, cantÓ el corazón y obras importantes. fue pareja de la cantante patricia, por 15 aÑos, 5 aÑos de casados y patricia publicÓ esta foto en instagram, diciendo que asÍ lo va a recordar siempre. tambiÉn podemos decir que verÓnica castro, carmen salinas y muchas mÁs personalidades del medio publicaron mensajes y fotos recordando a xavier, a quien le sobrevive un hijo de ocho aÑitos de edad con su ex pareja clarissa de leÓn. finalmente los servicios fÚnebres se se van a llevar a cabo en guadalajara, jalisco. carolina: te agradecemos por este reporte. un caso muy triste que en este momento afecta a tantas personas en mÉxic
xavier: gracias a dios tengo unos ahorros, pero cada mes ves cÓmo baja tu cuenta y empieza a subir.e pÉrdida de mi hermano xavier ortiz que muchos de ustedes lo conocen como "conejo". compaÑero, hermano de garibaldi. aylÉn: xavier estudiÓ para ser cirujano dentista, sin embargo decidiÓ incursionar en el mundo del modelaje y luego en la industria de la mÚsica, teatro y el cine. se dio a conocer en el grupo garibaldi cuando tenÍa 17 aÑos y participÓ en novelas como camila,...
Jul 5, 2020
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welcome to the show, xavier. >> damian, thank you so much for having me. really appreciate it. very honored to be here. >> how does it feel to hear that? long and coming? what's your take on that? >> you know, it's definitely long been coming. our community needs to be at all seats of decision-making, of power, and i'm just truly grateful for this opportunity. i really feel like i'm sitting here on the shoulders of a lot of people who have opened a lot of doors. now i feel the responsibility and obligation to be here, do a good job, but also be mindful that my job is to also open doors for the next generation. >> you won't be know that it gets up to 120 degrees in the phoenix metro area, right? >> i have heard that. i also heard we have monsoons but and the sandstorms. >> they call them "haboo," like what? >> you don't want to own a swimming pool during those sandstorms. you mentioned about opening the doors for those coming behind you. you're young yourself. talk about that effort and how it doesn't stop with you. >> it never does. obviously with my family, my parents coming h
welcome to the show, xavier. >> damian, thank you so much for having me. really appreciate it. very honored to be here. >> how does it feel to hear that? long and coming? what's your take on that? >> you know, it's definitely long been coming. our community needs to be at all seats of decision-making, of power, and i'm just truly grateful for this opportunity. i really feel like i'm sitting here on the shoulders of a lot of people who have opened a lot of doors. now i feel the...
Sep 9, 2020
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seguimos con la lamentable muerte de xavier.las denuncias a las autoridades correspondientes, porque esto no es Ético ni legal. espero su comprensiÓn, y hagÁmoslo por la memoria de javier y por su hijo. ♪ carlos: ahÍ tenemos a sergio mayers, que mÁs adelante estará con nosotros hablando sobre eso, porque es una muestra de la falta de escrÚpulos de tantas personas, lo hemos visto con otras estrellas, pero este caso, particularmente por el suicidio, es delicado. como lo dice sergio mayers, segÚn a la gente, si se ofrezcan estas fotos, que se saquea la justicia para que se haga algo al respecto. francisca: tambiÉn tenemos, veÍa en pantalla un documento que aclara la confusiÓn que habÍa acerca de la edad de xavier, se manejÓ mucho la informaciÓn de que al momento de su muerte tenÍa 48 aÑos de edad, en exclusiva "despiÉrta amÉrica" tiene este documento, donde pueden ver que es xavier tenÍa 58 aÑos de edad. dice que naciÓ el 29 de junio de 1962. lo tenemos eso para ustedes. manejamos esa informaciÓn, que tenÍa 48, pero la realidad era
seguimos con la lamentable muerte de xavier.las denuncias a las autoridades correspondientes, porque esto no es Ético ni legal. espero su comprensiÓn, y hagÁmoslo por la memoria de javier y por su hijo. ♪ carlos: ahÍ tenemos a sergio mayers, que mÁs adelante estará con nosotros hablando sobre eso, porque es una muestra de la falta de escrÚpulos de tantas personas, lo hemos visto con otras estrellas, pero este caso, particularmente por el suicidio, es delicado. como lo dice sergio...
Jun 21, 2020
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welcome to the show, xavier. >> thank you for having me. really appreciate it.nd very honored to be here. >> how does that feel to hear that, the first -- long and coming or what's your take on that? >> you know, it's definitely lo long and coming. our community needs to be at all seats of decision making, of power. and i'm just truly grateful for this opportunity. i really feel like i'm sitting here on the shoulders of a lot of people who have opened a lot of doors. and now i feel the responsibility and obligation to be here, do a good job and be mindful my job is also to open the doors for the next generation. >> you do know it gets up to 120 degrees in the phoenix metro area, right? >> i heard that. i also heard we have monsoons. >> and don't mention the sand storms. >> i heard they call them haboobs. >> you mentioned that effort of how it doesn't stop with you. >> it never does. obviously with my family, my parents coming here as an immigrant from mexico and them instilling education as a tkey component of my life, my future, my three siblings, my brother an
welcome to the show, xavier. >> thank you for having me. really appreciate it.nd very honored to be here. >> how does that feel to hear that, the first -- long and coming or what's your take on that? >> you know, it's definitely lo long and coming. our community needs to be at all seats of decision making, of power. and i'm just truly grateful for this opportunity. i really feel like i'm sitting here on the shoulders of a lot of people who have opened a lot of doors. and now i...
Sep 8, 2020
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>>> las llamas causan muertes y obligan a numerosos problemas >>> el showck luego de la muert de xavier ortiz luego de su muerte >>> ademÁs depresiÓn, aislamientos y problemas econÓmico y separacion son las peligrosas seÑales para que una persona contemple no seguir viviendo >>> el covid-19 ha causado largos retrasos en los trÁmites de inmigraciÓn hablaremos con una hondureÑa que lleva 8 meses esperando su tarjeta de residencia luego de ser aprobada. y buenas noticias en la bÚsqueda de la vacuna contra el coronavirus hoy en tu cita mÉdica hablaremos del anticuerpo de una alpaca. >>> y hablamos desde argentina con las primas de luis miguel que oculta de la verdad de lo que pasa con la madre del cantante pero la viuda del exmanager habla >>> para que el amor sea verdadero veremos los 5 errores que las parejas cometen con el dinero y que tÚ debes evitar >>> amiga esta nos gusta porque sin cirugÍa y efectos secundarios tenemos el tratamiento lÁser que elimina las arrugas >>> hoy cocinamos con la gente de texas con la sabrosa receta de un fans de "un nuevo dÍa" y su irresistibles tacos de ca
>>> las llamas causan muertes y obligan a numerosos problemas >>> el showck luego de la muert de xavier ortiz luego de su muerte >>> ademÁs depresiÓn, aislamientos y problemas econÓmico y separacion son las peligrosas seÑales para que una persona contemple no seguir viviendo >>> el covid-19 ha causado largos retrasos en los trÁmites de inmigraciÓn hablaremos con una hondureÑa que lleva 8 meses esperando su tarjeta de residencia luego de ser aprobada. y...
Sep 8, 2020
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xavier: cuando habÍa glamour, verdad? padecÍan de depresiÓn. estar aislados, estar encerrados, perder su trabajo, tener problemas financieros, problemas con la pareja, con los hijos. estamos viviendo momentos muy difÍciles. los psicÓlogos lo pronosticaban, decÍan que Íbamos a ver estos casos, así que no estÁn solos, pidan ayuda. raÚl: paz a su alma. karla:estamos en todas las redes sociales. sÍguenos en twitter, facebook e instagram. mantente informado y revive tus segmentos favoritos en despiertaamerica.com, el app de univisiÓn y en nuestra pÁgina de youtube. francisca: mi querido carlos, el artista diego torres nos lleva para una reflexiÓn con su nuevo sencillo. hablÓ con nuestros amigos de televisa espectÁculos, vamos a verlo. ♪ ♪ reportera: diego torres hace una reflexiÓn, el nuevo sencillo donde participa catalina, diego villa misal y kaku. ♪ ♪ diego: es un poco el razonamiento de estos tiempos que vienes viviendo, el mundo se detuvo, donde a todos nos cambiÓ la vida, nuestro trabajo, la normalidad, los chicos, la es
xavier: cuando habÍa glamour, verdad? padecÍan de depresiÓn. estar aislados, estar encerrados, perder su trabajo, tener problemas financieros, problemas con la pareja, con los hijos. estamos viviendo momentos muy difÍciles. los psicÓlogos lo pronosticaban, decÍan que Íbamos a ver estos casos, así que no estÁn solos, pidan ayuda. raÚl: paz a su alma. karla:estamos en todas las redes sociales. sÍguenos en twitter, facebook e instagram. mantente informado y revive tus segmentos...
Sep 10, 2020
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carlos: desde guadalajara tristes imÁgenes del entierro de xavier ortiz.e un matrimonio que recogiÓ los escombros del 911, y ahora lamentablemente muriÓ por el covid 19. no se lo pierdan. francisca: serÁ más adelante, ahora vamos con las noticias. satcha: caÍdas del cielo llegan las compras de walmart. mira como drons, con este la tienda por departamento realiza un programa piloto de repartir artÍculos tomando cuenta necesidades el tiempo de pandemia.como las pelÍculas de ciencia ficciÓn, en un futuro cercano seguramente recibiremos nuestros pedidos asÍ desde las alturas con aviones no tripulados. escucha lo que parece el estallido de una bomba, sin embargo no es una expresiÓn sino el choque de un auto contra un restaurante en pensilvania. el carro destroza la fachada y llegar hasta el salÓn principal en donde no habÍa empleados y comensales porque estaba cerrado. mira cÓmo la mujer se baja y observa los daÑos que ascienden a decenas de miles de dÓlares. al parecer conducÍa bajo la influencia de sustancias. impresionantes imÁgenes del momento en que un rÍo
carlos: desde guadalajara tristes imÁgenes del entierro de xavier ortiz.e un matrimonio que recogiÓ los escombros del 911, y ahora lamentablemente muriÓ por el covid 19. no se lo pierdan. francisca: serÁ más adelante, ahora vamos con las noticias. satcha: caÍdas del cielo llegan las compras de walmart. mira como drons, con este la tienda por departamento realiza un programa piloto de repartir artÍculos tomando cuenta necesidades el tiempo de pandemia.como las pelÍculas de ciencia...
May 14, 2020
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it's xavier from nordstrom nyc, i'm just about ready to leave my house and head into work. there my mask collection. i think i'm going for blue today. >> reporter: brafg tving the sts of new york city in the middle of a pandemic. he is heading to work but not the job he's used to. >> i'm a people person. i like to be around people. not having customers and not having my team, i really miss them. i kind of take human connection for granted. >> reporter: a veteran of the retail giant for 14 years. >> customers come in here to feel beautiful, right? so the responsibility is on us to give that to them. >> three, two, one! >> reporter: xavier recently helped launch the company's flagship store in new york city. >> come on in! >> reporter: with lots of fanfare, serving as a new go-to for celebrities like kim kardashian to debut their newest fashion lines. >> come on in! >> reporter: but a few months later, everything came to a screeching halt. when coronavirus hit new york city hard. the store floors now empty. the cash registers idle. the mannequins undressed. a blow for a compa
it's xavier from nordstrom nyc, i'm just about ready to leave my house and head into work. there my mask collection. i think i'm going for blue today. >> reporter: brafg tving the sts of new york city in the middle of a pandemic. he is heading to work but not the job he's used to. >> i'm a people person. i like to be around people. not having customers and not having my team, i really miss them. i kind of take human connection for granted. >> reporter: a veteran of the retail...
Sep 30, 2020
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lo que hablamos xavier y yo en el camerino no vale ni la pena mencionarlo porque no estÁ xavier parae le estÉn echando la culpa a su ex esposa, a la madre de su hijo, a quiÉn sea, de la decisiÓn que tomÓ xavier. xavier era un hombre de 60 aÑos. sabÍa perfectamente lo que hacÍa. ninguno de nosotros hicimos un chat en garibaldi. nosotros tocamos el tema sensible al principio, pero lo mÁs grave es que hay revistas y medios que estÁn culpando a su esposa. se me hace injusto que lo estÉn haciendo. creo que nadie tiene la culpa de la decisiÓn que tomÓ xavier. sergio fue el que mÁs lo apoyo. cuando se cayÓ de la moto lo apoyÓ económicamente, cuando no tenÍa trabajo lo llevaba a "sÓlo para mujeres". creo que nadie ve todas esas cosas. alan: claro. me tengo que despedir. me queda poco tiempo. algo quÉ le quieras decir a la gente? de cÓmo te sientes? charlie: el grupo sigue. me siento en paz conmigo mismo. si puedes ver en mis redes sociales ya subo las cosas, ya no me atacan. la gente se dio cuenta. este tema con Él fue un tema que no era grande, era un tema que se tocÓ hace aÑo y medio. la t
lo que hablamos xavier y yo en el camerino no vale ni la pena mencionarlo porque no estÁ xavier parae le estÉn echando la culpa a su ex esposa, a la madre de su hijo, a quiÉn sea, de la decisiÓn que tomÓ xavier. xavier era un hombre de 60 aÑos. sabÍa perfectamente lo que hacÍa. ninguno de nosotros hicimos un chat en garibaldi. nosotros tocamos el tema sensible al principio, pero lo mÁs grave es que hay revistas y medios que estÁn culpando a su esposa. se me hace injusto que lo estÉn...
Sep 14, 2020
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vamos hablar sobre el hijo de xavier ortiz. son. el hermano de semana de una conferencia de prensa donde se le puso un audio. sorprendiÓ las declaraciones que daba javier decÍa que le preocupaba mucho cÓmo el hijo iba a pensar de Él. menciona que lo que le estÁ diciendo la seÑora refiriendo a su exesposa. tambiÉn la podemos ver visiblemente afectada al recordar cÓmo le tuvo que enseÑar, mostrar y decir a su hijo. tambiÉn lo de sus hermanos sale ahora porque no creo que vayan a buscar un responsable. [hablan a la vez] tony: se cabÍa dar a conocer que el hermano va a investigar las llamadas que recibiÓ. maity: es su familia, lo puede hacer. puede ser para poner un cierre a un dolor bastante profundo que tiene la familia. carlos: jomari, iba a comentar el tema de que Éstos una bomba y la ayuda psicolÓgica, no sólo la necesita el paciente, sino tambiÉn su familia. jomari: sÍ. estoy un poco mÁs por el lado de tony. he escuchado muchas declaraciones de gente diciendo de alguna forma que ellos no fueron los culpables. de alguna forma
vamos hablar sobre el hijo de xavier ortiz. son. el hermano de semana de una conferencia de prensa donde se le puso un audio. sorprendiÓ las declaraciones que daba javier decÍa que le preocupaba mucho cÓmo el hijo iba a pensar de Él. menciona que lo que le estÁ diciendo la seÑora refiriendo a su exesposa. tambiÉn la podemos ver visiblemente afectada al recordar cÓmo le tuvo que enseÑar, mostrar y decir a su hijo. tambiÉn lo de sus hermanos sale ahora porque no creo que vayan a buscar...
Dec 8, 2020
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for secretary of health and education services i nominate xavier becerra. he's currently the attorney general of california. for nearly 25 years before that, he was a congressman representing los angeles, one of the largest -- america's largest and most diverse cities. xavier spent a year fighting to expand access to health care, reducing racial health disparities, protecting the affordable care act and take on powerful special interests who prey on, profit off of people's help, from opioid manufacturers to big tobacco. during this pandemic, he'll protect the safety of the front line health care workers. root out the fraud from the bad actors who take advantage of people. and he stood up for homeowners trying to pay their mortgages during this devastating economic crisis. they're things he's already fought for and accomplished. as hhs secretary, he will skillfully oversee the cdc and the fda, medicare and medicaid. no matter what happens in the supreme court, he'll lead our efforts to build on the affordable care act. he'll work to expand coverage and take
for secretary of health and education services i nominate xavier becerra. he's currently the attorney general of california. for nearly 25 years before that, he was a congressman representing los angeles, one of the largest -- america's largest and most diverse cities. xavier spent a year fighting to expand access to health care, reducing racial health disparities, protecting the affordable care act and take on powerful special interests who prey on, profit off of people's help, from opioid...
Dec 6, 2020
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it was only recently, during the first lockdown, that xavier discovered his passion for art.s of therapy i can do indoors in the comfort of my own home, by myself. xavier has struggled since the death of his best friend, rio mcfarlane, who was fatally shot ten years ago in peckham, south london. i still get flashbacks of that day. i rushed down there literally within 20 minutes and i sat in the same position outside of the tent until his body was removed and just the sight of seeing the dried blood on the floor still sticks with me to this day. once you've found a medium, orsome of sort of vehicle to help you express yourself, to help you cry, to help you unravel your thoughts and at the same time find comfort from it, i think that's the most beautiful thing. it's my duty to represent for those literally going against the grain of the status quo of a young black man from south london. xavier's ha rd—hitting work has also gained him legions of followers, seeing him recently exhibit his work in central london. you guys are fortunate enough to have these thoughts about what you
it was only recently, during the first lockdown, that xavier discovered his passion for art.s of therapy i can do indoors in the comfort of my own home, by myself. xavier has struggled since the death of his best friend, rio mcfarlane, who was fatally shot ten years ago in peckham, south london. i still get flashbacks of that day. i rushed down there literally within 20 minutes and i sat in the same position outside of the tent until his body was removed and just the sight of seeing the dried...
Nov 13, 2020
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xavier: thanks for having me, and absolutely.ptimistic after hearing the comments and question from the justices. lives are ate stake with respect to the affordable care act. if you strip it away based on this one provision, the individual mandate, if you use that entry point to say the entire law must go, you will hit millions of americans, who probably would not be alive today but for the affordable care act. millions have lost their jobs because ofcare, and the affordable care act, they have coverage. david: you have sued president trump a fair number of times and have won. biden takesnt office, do those lawsuits go away involving dreamers, all of those issues? , the state ofmes california has caught donald trump red-handed breaking the law and we have sued him. not all of those will go away with the change in administration, but many can be resolved quickly. some not as quickly. some have other parties in the action, so it is not just the federal government and the state coming to terms. you have to make sure it is resolved c
xavier: thanks for having me, and absolutely.ptimistic after hearing the comments and question from the justices. lives are ate stake with respect to the affordable care act. if you strip it away based on this one provision, the individual mandate, if you use that entry point to say the entire law must go, you will hit millions of americans, who probably would not be alive today but for the affordable care act. millions have lost their jobs because ofcare, and the affordable care act, they have...
Sep 10, 2020
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. >> familia tras analizar el cuerpo de xavier ortiz las autoridades aclaran si fue o no un homicidioramos los momentos mÁs conmovedores que vivieron los familiares y la viuda. >> se pronostica una crisis hipotecarias millones de propietarios podrÍan perder la casa de sus sueÑos hoy te preparamos para cuidar tu techo. >> y dime quÉ actividad haces y te diremos en quÉ riesgo de coronavirus te encuentras, entÉrate en tu cita medica aquÍ primero. >> alerta, diez millones de mujeres en el mundo con implantes de senos pudieran estar muriendo sin saberlo, se trata del sÍndrome de asia, tenemos el tez mÍnitestimonio d actriz y los sÍntomas. >> tambiÉn conoceremos al estudiante de 14 aÑos que recibiÓ una computadora de manos de un actor. >> vamos a seguir conociendo al elenco de falsa identidad. >> tambiÉn para lucir mejor a la moda y a la hora de vestir te traemos los looks de la princesa diana sus prensas y combinaciones siguen , aquÍ te traemos a este gran Ícono de la moda, con esto y mÁs, empieza "un nuevo dÍa" hoy y siempre mÁs cerca de ti. muy buenos dÍas mi gente linda, hoy es jueves 1
. >> familia tras analizar el cuerpo de xavier ortiz las autoridades aclaran si fue o no un homicidioramos los momentos mÁs conmovedores que vivieron los familiares y la viuda. >> se pronostica una crisis hipotecarias millones de propietarios podrÍan perder la casa de sus sueÑos hoy te preparamos para cuidar tu techo. >> y dime quÉ actividad haces y te diremos en quÉ riesgo de coronavirus te encuentras, entÉrate en tu cita medica aquÍ primero. >> alerta, diez...
eye 71
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we also have xavier becerra to contend with as well. the dark secret places into it every week and snuggle with it. bryan thank you. another biden cabinet pic is also making waves among republicans on capitol hill. this time it is health and human services nominee xavier becerra who was currently the attorney general of california paid republicans including arkansas senator tom cotton says the pic as a surprise and a radical one. listen. >> lester step three with the problems of this nomination. first he supports medicare for all, second he is a true radical on abortion. third, look at what has happened in california during this pandemic. he has been on the forefront of locking down that entire state. xavier becerra will be joe biden's nation wide locked out enforcer. kennedy: alright he loving liberal a wise choice to have one of the most blood imparts the next administration? the party panel has return, chris barron, katherine mangu-ward, and michael gordon. katherine i'll start with you from a liberty perspective produce anything to
we also have xavier becerra to contend with as well. the dark secret places into it every week and snuggle with it. bryan thank you. another biden cabinet pic is also making waves among republicans on capitol hill. this time it is health and human services nominee xavier becerra who was currently the attorney general of california paid republicans including arkansas senator tom cotton says the pic as a surprise and a radical one. listen. >> lester step three with the problems of this...
Aug 26, 2020
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of young men were not at all involved in any violence. >> reporter: investigators say xavier's death is among a number of senseless killings in recent weeks. as of tuesday there have been 57 homicides in oakland this year. >> we need help figuring out who was responsible for these crimes and any other homicides we have seen. >> reporter: investigators say xavier was in the prayer circle with other young people when he was shot. >> me and my wife dropped him off at the party. >> reporter: family members can't help but worry about the safety of their children. >> you can send your kid to a party and you think everything is safe and they might not come home. that is an unsettling feeling. >> reporter: xavier ran track and played bass ball at skyline high school. relatives say he was a great student and loving uncle to his nephews. the family one whoever is responsible for the killing to be arrested and put behind bars. king says not being able to pick up the phone to talk or text him is difficult. >> just simple things like that are just heartbreaking. >> reporter: xavier was killed jus
of young men were not at all involved in any violence. >> reporter: investigators say xavier's death is among a number of senseless killings in recent weeks. as of tuesday there have been 57 homicides in oakland this year. >> we need help figuring out who was responsible for these crimes and any other homicides we have seen. >> reporter: investigators say xavier was in the prayer circle with other young people when he was shot. >> me and my wife dropped him off at the...
Jan 14, 2020
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xavier musca, the credit agricole deputy ceo and the chairman of amundi. joining us from paris. a look at where european stocks have finished the day. not changing much during the auction process. a little bit of a bid in the last few minutes. not much action. we talk more about all of the day's on the cable show on db digital radio in the london area at the top of the hour. jonathan ferro is in new york, i will be joining him in london. this is bloomberg. ♪ guy: from london, i am guy johnson. vonnie: from new york, i am vonnie quinn. this is the european close on bloomberg markets. let's go back to the j.p. morgan health conference in san francisco. taylor riggs is there. taylor: i am joined by none other than larry merlo. thank you for joining us. i want to start, as you continue to further integrate the aetna acquisition, analysts are excited about the solid execution. what is driving that? larry: we see the challenges for health care and the result of the emergence is more consumers in the health care. in june we laid out a detailed plan in terms of th
xavier musca, the credit agricole deputy ceo and the chairman of amundi. joining us from paris. a look at where european stocks have finished the day. not changing much during the auction process. a little bit of a bid in the last few minutes. not much action. we talk more about all of the day's on the cable show on db digital radio in the london area at the top of the hour. jonathan ferro is in new york, i will be joining him in london. this is bloomberg. ♪ guy: from london, i am guy...
May 14, 2020
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nos vamos a conectar vÍa skype con xavier.tros en momentos tan necesarios. xavier: el seguro de desempleo lo manejan los estados. si estÁs en la florida, es el estado de la florida. si estÁs en california, lo mismo. y empieza a reclamar tu seguro de desempleo. es importante que tengan paciencia. en la florida reclamaron. 1,1 fueron Únicos. hay otros que estÁn reclamando dos veces. de ese 1,1 poco mÁs de 700.000 fueron aprobados y un poco mÁs de 400.000 recibieron el dinero. estos nÚmeros pueden ir cambiando. el proceso es lento y ese nÚmero que dijiste es realpero la pregunta que muchos se hacen: ¿todos estÁ recibiendo el dinero? no. borja: entonces para estas personas en este momento desesperadas, ¿cuÁles serÍan los consejos que usted nos puede dar en este momento? xavier: primero tiene que reclamar el seguro de desempleo. busca al estado, busca el departamento de trabajo y empieza a llenar la aplicaciÓn. segundo. hay que buscar dinero como sea. si no tienes dinero para comida, tienes que buscar los bancos de comida. en miami
nos vamos a conectar vÍa skype con xavier.tros en momentos tan necesarios. xavier: el seguro de desempleo lo manejan los estados. si estÁs en la florida, es el estado de la florida. si estÁs en california, lo mismo. y empieza a reclamar tu seguro de desempleo. es importante que tengan paciencia. en la florida reclamaron. 1,1 fueron Únicos. hay otros que estÁn reclamando dos veces. de ese 1,1 poco mÁs de 700.000 fueron aprobados y un poco mÁs de 400.000 recibieron el dinero. estos...
Aug 26, 2020
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xavier attended cal state. he recently came back home to the east bay to live with his sister because of the pandemic. the sister tells us she helped raise xavier after they lost their mother to cancer. shortly after 10:30, he was shot and killed in the parking lot of a housing complex. >> you send your kid to a party , everything, you think it's safe, they might not come home. that is really unsettling. >> every day when i got home from work, he would ask me how my day was. he cared on that level. kids don't ask. i'm supposed to come home and say, how was your day? >> police say a white suv drove by. someone from the nissan open fired. xavier and his friends did not appear to be the target. as of tuesday, there have been 57 homicides in oakland this year. >>> also in oakland, eight people have been arrested in connection with a crime ring. police found drugs and $14,000 in cash. the arrest happened at and airbnb in san francisco. so far, oakland police have seized more than 600 weapons connected to crimes. >>>
xavier attended cal state. he recently came back home to the east bay to live with his sister because of the pandemic. the sister tells us she helped raise xavier after they lost their mother to cancer. shortly after 10:30, he was shot and killed in the parking lot of a housing complex. >> you send your kid to a party , everything, you think it's safe, they might not come home. that is really unsettling. >> every day when i got home from work, he would ask me how my day was. he...
Dec 23, 2020
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xavier becerra: el coronavirus no discrimina.onerse la vacuna. cuando llega su turno, por favor, participe. ya lo ha hecho el presidente electo joe biden. yo lo voy a hacer. ojalÁ usted tambiÉn. marÍa antonieta: Óigame, hay una cosa que le preocupa a mucha gente. saber quiÉnes no tengan un seguro mÉdico, quienes no tengan documento, van a tener quÉ pagar por la vacuna? xavier becerra:el doctor nacional [habla en inglÉs] dijo hace poco que todos tenemos que estar listos de poner la vacuna en el brazo. todos. Él no hizo distinciÓn. Él lo que sabe es que nos tenemos que proteger asimismo para poder proteger a otro. es tiempo de entender que esto se hace juntos, no importa el ingreso, no importa la raza, no importa el lugar, es tiempo de trabajar juntos. en eso creo que el presidente electo ha sido bien claro. Él va a incluir a todos en este paÍs que quieren manejar los asuntos de este paÍs en una manera recta. no se puede crear si el coronavirus estÁ dominando. marÍa antonieta:el primer hispano que llegarÍa a ser secretario de salud
xavier becerra: el coronavirus no discrimina.onerse la vacuna. cuando llega su turno, por favor, participe. ya lo ha hecho el presidente electo joe biden. yo lo voy a hacer. ojalÁ usted tambiÉn. marÍa antonieta: Óigame, hay una cosa que le preocupa a mucha gente. saber quiÉnes no tengan un seguro mÉdico, quienes no tengan documento, van a tener quÉ pagar por la vacuna? xavier becerra:el doctor nacional [habla en inglÉs] dijo hace poco que todos tenemos que estar listos de poner la...
Jan 29, 2020
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xavier: yeah. lemonis: and you did all of this? xavier: yeah.onis: this is one of the best flip books i've ever seen. xavier: thank you very much. lemonis: matt may not know the names of his employees, and he may not know how much money he put in, and he may not be generous with his equity when somebody else puts in a lot of money, but he has hired some good people. how'd you guys meet? skyler: honestly, i just applied through the usc career board. lemonis: is that where you went to school? skyler: yeah. i was a 3-year graduate. lemonis: wow. skyler: yeah, so i'm... lemonis: it's not like you've been out of... skyler: i'm 23. i run the office day-to-day. you know, matt is not here most of the time, so... i found the suppliers. lemonis: you do? skyler: yeah. and i think that matt is really overconfident with a lot of his business knowledge, and thinking that he knows what's right always, and so, that, kind of, in combination with charlotte being kind of uncertain of her business knowledge, it puts us in a situation that is, financially, really po
xavier: yeah. lemonis: and you did all of this? xavier: yeah.onis: this is one of the best flip books i've ever seen. xavier: thank you very much. lemonis: matt may not know the names of his employees, and he may not know how much money he put in, and he may not be generous with his equity when somebody else puts in a lot of money, but he has hired some good people. how'd you guys meet? skyler: honestly, i just applied through the usc career board. lemonis: is that where you went to school?...
Jun 10, 2020
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xavier: i think that is right.and the focus and the tension in economies has been on lower labor, in terms of the unemployment that has resulted from lockdown of economies. by the way, not all economies have been locked down. you look at taiwan, for example, they've done pretty well without a lockdown. that's another debate. i think it is right to focus now on a lot of these more skilled jobs and that essentially were economic the previous growth. but are not necessarily the jobs of tomorrow. the pace, technological -- the pace of technological changes --tening that change is change is hastening. think companies are going to be looking, whose business model perhaps was not already profiled for the future, they are going to be looking at this particular set of circumstances to recalibrate their employment. it will take, i think, many years for the economic impact in terms of employment to be felt and to reach a full recovery. , areasng for sure is that use technology, are very sensitive to technology are going to ch
xavier: i think that is right.and the focus and the tension in economies has been on lower labor, in terms of the unemployment that has resulted from lockdown of economies. by the way, not all economies have been locked down. you look at taiwan, for example, they've done pretty well without a lockdown. that's another debate. i think it is right to focus now on a lot of these more skilled jobs and that essentially were economic the previous growth. but are not necessarily the jobs of tomorrow....
Sep 10, 2020
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tenemos las declaraciones del exintegrante garibaldi, que no se ha quedado callado y sigue hablando de xavierademÁs, hay preocupaciÓn por hellen ochoa confesÓ que estÁ saliendo de una fuerte depresiÓn todo por esto. todo esto mÁs adelante, quÉdese con nosotros en "despierta amÉrica".
tenemos las declaraciones del exintegrante garibaldi, que no se ha quedado callado y sigue hablando de xavierademÁs, hay preocupaciÓn por hellen ochoa confesÓ que estÁ saliendo de una fuerte depresiÓn todo por esto. todo esto mÁs adelante, quÉdese con nosotros en "despierta amÉrica".
Mar 20, 2020
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xavier: of course, the response country, byvary by exchange.nges and financial infrastructure companies that have already provided for strong infrastructure, including remote access by members, whether they are banks, brokerage firms, asset management firms, those who are ready today, in my opinion, have all acknowledged the need to continue to operate. so the rates of participation we will probably see exchanges in jurisdictions that are not quite there that .ake the decision i think the fcc very widely made the decision and recommendation to keep markets open. 55% of accounts for global financial asset ownership. it is critical that at least the listed markets remain open. today that it looks almost like an upside down pyramid. at the top, the largest asset classes, interest-rate swaps, credit default swaps, credit default swaps, foreign exchange. then as you go down, you look at corporate debt, government debt. at the bottom is less than 5% of financial assets, equities. but they basically underpin, support the entire pyramid. so equity mark
xavier: of course, the response country, byvary by exchange.nges and financial infrastructure companies that have already provided for strong infrastructure, including remote access by members, whether they are banks, brokerage firms, asset management firms, those who are ready today, in my opinion, have all acknowledged the need to continue to operate. so the rates of participation we will probably see exchanges in jurisdictions that are not quite there that .ake the decision i think the fcc...
Dec 6, 2020
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i think everybody may be a little ahead of their skis, but i know xavier becerra. smart, intelligent, thorough individual. i served with him. he's an honest person. wherever he lands, whatever he does, he will be exceptional at it. >> i knew him, too, as congressional and attorney general in california. highly qualified and as you well know a very nice guy as well. the president-elect is facing, as you know, congressman, some pressure to enjoy his picks and the diversity of our country. you've been advising on all of this. what can you tell us? >> i can tell you this, look, the civil rights groups, alm of the coalitions whether it's hispanic coalition, whether it's a coalition of women, whether it's asian american islander coalition. they are all pushing and want extreme numbers and want to break records. he's committed to making sure he has the most diverse cabinet in the history of the united states. if you look at our appointments so far he's living up to that, and i expect at the end of the day when we're finished our appointments all of those groups will be ha
i think everybody may be a little ahead of their skis, but i know xavier becerra. smart, intelligent, thorough individual. i served with him. he's an honest person. wherever he lands, whatever he does, he will be exceptional at it. >> i knew him, too, as congressional and attorney general in california. highly qualified and as you well know a very nice guy as well. the president-elect is facing, as you know, congressman, some pressure to enjoy his picks and the diversity of our country....
Dec 8, 2020
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i'm turn it over to our team, starting with xavier becerra. xavier, thank you for being willing to take on the responsibility. >> along with ckaterina my wife and my family, greetings from california. mr. prpt elect and madam vice president-elect i an honored to yoin your team. never has it been as vital and urgent as it is today. the covid pandemic hab thrust families into crisis. too many americans are sick, lost loved ones. too. lost their jobs and with that health care and hope. you've made it clear, mr. president-elect, to build back a prosperous america we need a healthy america. that, then, will be job one for your team at hhs. 55 years ago during another time of hardship, former health secretary and fellow californian john gardner said, what we have before us are some breathtaking opportunities addition guised as insoluble problems. he went on to help president lyndon johnson build a great society ushering in medicare and medicaid and civil rights that brought great are equity, greater opportunity and greater hope to all americans. now
i'm turn it over to our team, starting with xavier becerra. xavier, thank you for being willing to take on the responsibility. >> along with ckaterina my wife and my family, greetings from california. mr. prpt elect and madam vice president-elect i an honored to yoin your team. never has it been as vital and urgent as it is today. the covid pandemic hab thrust families into crisis. too many americans are sick, lost loved ones. too. lost their jobs and with that health care and hope....
May 29, 2020
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out the actor behind such sci-fi gentleman exman's xavier. >> i have no idea who i am. >> you're the man who puts me to sleep. >> reporter: and jean-luc picard captain of the enterprise is much more down to earth than his title or his accent might imply. >> it's his grandfather, romulan. and for that reason his career now stands in ruins. >> reporter: what's also unexpected is stewart's celebrated return. in star trek picard a big boot of the franchise now streaming on cbs all access part of viacom. >> i don't want the game to end. >> reporter: stewart is an executive producer. >>> did you always want to contribute as an executive producer? >> no, i was too naive, too new at the game of serious television. and i had so much work to do. i mean, i really -- the first couple of years, i didn't have a life or social life at all. >> i -- don't -- love you! >> reporter: we worked five-day week, 14, 15 hour days especially toward the end of the week. and saturday morning i would allow myself a little sleep-in, then i would do my own laundry which, by the way, i still do. it's an obsession w
out the actor behind such sci-fi gentleman exman's xavier. >> i have no idea who i am. >> you're the man who puts me to sleep. >> reporter: and jean-luc picard captain of the enterprise is much more down to earth than his title or his accent might imply. >> it's his grandfather, romulan. and for that reason his career now stands in ruins. >> reporter: what's also unexpected is stewart's celebrated return. in star trek picard a big boot of the franchise now...
Dec 8, 2020
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for secretary of health and education i nominate xavier becerra. xavier becerra, excuse me. he's currently attorney general of california, leading the second largest. for 25 years before that he was a congressman representing los angeles, one of the largest -- america's largest and most diverse cities. xavier spent a career fighting to expand access to health care, reducing racial health disparities, protecting the affordable care act, and take on powerful special interests who prey on and profit from people's mental health from opioid manufacturers to big tobacco. during this pandemic he'll protect the safety of the front line health care workers. rooted out the fraud from the bad actors who take advantage of people. and he stood up for homeowners trying to pay their mortgages during this devastating economic crisis. there are things he's already fought for and accomplished in many cases. and as secretary, hhs secretary, he will skillfully oversee the cdc and the fda, medicare and medicaid. no matter what happens in the supreme court, he'll lead our efforts to build on the
for secretary of health and education i nominate xavier becerra. xavier becerra, excuse me. he's currently attorney general of california, leading the second largest. for 25 years before that he was a congressman representing los angeles, one of the largest -- america's largest and most diverse cities. xavier spent a career fighting to expand access to health care, reducing racial health disparities, protecting the affordable care act, and take on powerful special interests who prey on and...
Oct 7, 2020
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la madre del hijo de xavier ortiz hablÓ con "el gordo y la flaca".e la casa donde vivÍan. quÉ pasÓ con el dinero de esta casa? se decÍan muchas cosas en redes sociales. >> bueno, nosotros tenÍamos una hipoteca en la que los dos Éramos co deudores. decidimos venderla. nos habÍamos atrasado un poco con los pagos. entonces, el amigo de xavier ortiz nos ayuda para hacer un prÉstamo. >> segÚn ella, la casa la vendieron mucho mÁs barata de su verdadero precio, pero eso le sirviÓ para pagar la deuda con el amigo de xavier. quedarse asÍ un poco de dinero para ella y para xavier ortiz. quedÓ algo? >> desconozco. este tema no lo sÉ. me parece que no, pero no lo sÉ. serÍa muy irresponsable de mi parte. creo que no estoy enterada. >> del audio que se filtrÓ donde se escucha a xavier ortiz como entre casado, distinto, disperso, donde dice que no lo dejan, o no los deja hacer, no lo dejabas ver en ese entonces a xavier ortiz. posiblemente, tenga miedo que le estÁn lavando la cabeza para que no lo pueda ver. >> a raÍz de la pandemia hubo un distanciamiento lÓgico p
la madre del hijo de xavier ortiz hablÓ con "el gordo y la flaca".e la casa donde vivÍan. quÉ pasÓ con el dinero de esta casa? se decÍan muchas cosas en redes sociales. >> bueno, nosotros tenÍamos una hipoteca en la que los dos Éramos co deudores. decidimos venderla. nos habÍamos atrasado un poco con los pagos. entonces, el amigo de xavier ortiz nos ayuda para hacer un prÉstamo. >> segÚn ella, la casa la vendieron mucho mÁs barata de su verdadero precio, pero...
Dec 31, 2020
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little xavier or xavi harris, had been improving, his mom told cnn.ter from start to finish. we love and miss him terribly. i want people, especially parents, to take this virus more seriously. we followed the guidelines and we still lost xavi. i just hope my baby is a constant reminder to take covid seriously because it most certainly has an affect on children, unquote. xavier was laid to rest yesterday by his parents and his two brothers. xavier's memory and the memories of all those whom we've lost way too early in this pandemic. may they be a blessing. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ for every trip you've been dreaming of, expedia has millions of flexible booking options. because the best trip is wherever we go together. ♪ you remember rick, text her neighbor?er. because the best trip is wherever we go together. sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um...we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? (woman) no. we're having the "we're getting coverage so
little xavier or xavi harris, had been improving, his mom told cnn.ter from start to finish. we love and miss him terribly. i want people, especially parents, to take this virus more seriously. we followed the guidelines and we still lost xavi. i just hope my baby is a constant reminder to take covid seriously because it most certainly has an affect on children, unquote. xavier was laid to rest yesterday by his parents and his two brothers. xavier's memory and the memories of all those whom...
Aug 2, 2020
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xavier ouellet moved all the way around mete one for pittsburgh jam along the board.athan drouin. get back from suzuki goes across. suzuki chop it in mccann pins it all the way down and this is icing. >> brian: letang had a pretty good game, and guentzel, with his hand, letang, himself, right, looked like skipped a beat jn: saw one by the canadiens featuring the outside. here's kulak shot with the rebound. by mccann. penguins get it out. petry on it. pittsburgh will change all the way back down. icing against montreal >> brian: keep trying the sharp angle shots and matt murray, it's a smart play. get the puck from the board and to the net and oftentimes, the goaltender, you have difficulty controlling those rebounds as we all know, sometimes in overtime, it's not the pretty one that ends it. the canadian with a good job of puck against the net >> john: crosby, guentzel and sheary with pittsburgh back for montreal. guentzel, for price. canadiens, get it out. pettersson for crosby. came across for jake guentzel. guentzel off the edge. picked up by max domi. domi now cle
xavier ouellet moved all the way around mete one for pittsburgh jam along the board.athan drouin. get back from suzuki goes across. suzuki chop it in mccann pins it all the way down and this is icing. >> brian: letang had a pretty good game, and guentzel, with his hand, letang, himself, right, looked like skipped a beat jn: saw one by the canadiens featuring the outside. here's kulak shot with the rebound. by mccann. penguins get it out. petry on it. pittsburgh will change all the way...
eye 72
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joe biden taps the state's current attorney general, xavier becerra to lead the department. for us back at home. ♪ >>> okay. that just woke us up this morning. the house bringing out all the holiday spirit. more of this powerhouse drivery display that you have to see this morning. >> first a rare red flag warning in december, something that we have not had in years. winds are at their strongest this morning. mike nicco has everything we need to be prepared. let's get to meteorologist mike nicco with a look at your accuweather forecast. >> okay. hi, everybody. thanks for joining us this monday morning. it's the winds that are the issue right now. outside of the santa clara valley, all of us are under a wind advisory. a very noisy night in fact. our christmas decorations were setting off our ring camera all night. hopefully that didn't happen to you. but that is the least of the worries. we have had some damage out there. there's a potential for damage through 11:00. here's a look at the red flag warning, along with the santa clara valley, you have the san francisco bay shorel
joe biden taps the state's current attorney general, xavier becerra to lead the department. for us back at home. ♪ >>> okay. that just woke us up this morning. the house bringing out all the holiday spirit. more of this powerhouse drivery display that you have to see this morning. >> first a rare red flag warning in december, something that we have not had in years. winds are at their strongest this morning. mike nicco has everything we need to be prepared. let's get to...
Sep 8, 2020
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familiares que no saben nada y exigen saber quÉ pasÓ con ellos pena por la muerte del cantante mexicano xavieroriginales de garibaldi que fue encontrada sin vida en su casa la policÍa investiga. gracias por acompaÑarnos buenas tardes les saluda felicidad aveleyra, vivimos el fuego mÁs peligroso en california en lo que va del aÑo los fuegos han consumido mÁs de 2 millones de acres, un rÉcord histÓrico para que se den una idea el territorio quemado equivale a 10 veces el tamaÑo de la ciudad de nueva york. mÁs de 14 mil bomberos tratan de contener el fuego y surgen imÁgenes como estas que muestra el agotamiento de los equipos de emergencia. los bomberos que luchan para frenar el avance de las llamas. estos incendios en california han amenazado y amenazan la vida de muchas personas, solo en el Último fin de semana fueron apues apuestos a salvo mÁs de 200 en el bosque nacional de sierra, francisco fajardo nos habla de estos rescates. >>> quÉ tal felicidad tristemente el cielo sigue cubierto de rojo en california las Últimas 24 horass no son positivas en tÉrminos generales para los bomberos, este in
familiares que no saben nada y exigen saber quÉ pasÓ con ellos pena por la muerte del cantante mexicano xavieroriginales de garibaldi que fue encontrada sin vida en su casa la policÍa investiga. gracias por acompaÑarnos buenas tardes les saluda felicidad aveleyra, vivimos el fuego mÁs peligroso en california en lo que va del aÑo los fuegos han consumido mÁs de 2 millones de acres, un rÉcord histÓrico para que se den una idea el territorio quemado equivale a 10 veces el tamaÑo de la...
Aug 13, 2020
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i left congress -- xavier left congress because we wanted to be where the action is. that might surprise you. i turn on the tv, all i hear about is congress. yeah, they're great, and we love them, but look, as a congressman, if you were the victim of a payday lender, i would have to go call the state ag to help you. now i can just help you. so please make use of your offices, spread the word, help us get some more dem ags. as i said, i ran for this job to help people afford their lives and live with dignity and respect. those two things. i get to do it every day. i'm so grateful for that. thanks a lot netroots nation. >> if i could just say on that, it is bread and butter, and we're -- we sued the largest student loan servicer in the nation a few years back because they were clearly driving students into loan payment -- repayment programs that were not good for them, but they were good for the student loan servicer. we think it is important that these guys act the right way, just abide by the laws. if you are going to hold people's money and their livelihood at stake,
i left congress -- xavier left congress because we wanted to be where the action is. that might surprise you. i turn on the tv, all i hear about is congress. yeah, they're great, and we love them, but look, as a congressman, if you were the victim of a payday lender, i would have to go call the state ag to help you. now i can just help you. so please make use of your offices, spread the word, help us get some more dem ags. as i said, i ran for this job to help people afford their lives and live...
Oct 20, 2020
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xavier: it is a good question.to keep my answer short, but consolidation on a global basis is only going to be open to three, maybe four global exchange groups. the rest will be operating locally and regionally. the answer to your question is yes, consolidation can be a factor of increased resiliency if you have the right i.t. construct, if you have the right set of solutions and technology is progressing. exchange industries and infrastructure industry is supposed to offer resilience, it tends to move more slowly. it tends to innovate less. i think now is probably the time to look at radically new solutions for the future and again, if you'll forgive me to mention quantum communication and quantum computing. this is probably the next frontier. for those companies that are going to be glowing -- going global or have oregon global. matt: are you aware of anyone out there offering such solutions? xavier: no, not in the exchange industry. there are a number of farsighted innovative companies in the financial services
xavier: it is a good question.to keep my answer short, but consolidation on a global basis is only going to be open to three, maybe four global exchange groups. the rest will be operating locally and regionally. the answer to your question is yes, consolidation can be a factor of increased resiliency if you have the right i.t. construct, if you have the right set of solutions and technology is progressing. exchange industries and infrastructure industry is supposed to offer resilience, it tends...
Dec 7, 2020
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xavier becerra, california attorney general, long time member of congress. he led the fight against the affordable care act, defending the affordable care act in the supreme court and elsewhere. he is going to be leading the health and human services department, he will be nominated for that. other top members, dr. murphy, nominated to be the surgeon general. he served that post three years during the obama administration. he is a top adviser to the president-elect and has been. and newer leader of the cdc, centers for disease control, dr. rochelle walensky. she has been on cnn and elsewhere during the covid crisis, a leader in the field, and dr. anthony fauci. he will be the president's chief medical adviser, focusing on covid-19 as well as a couple other members there. brooke, what we're seeing here is the health team taking shape. but they know the challenges against them. why xavier becerra? this is certainly something that came in the last couple days. there were a variety of other people leading the way. members of the congressional hispanic caucus pus
xavier becerra, california attorney general, long time member of congress. he led the fight against the affordable care act, defending the affordable care act in the supreme court and elsewhere. he is going to be leading the health and human services department, he will be nominated for that. other top members, dr. murphy, nominated to be the surgeon general. he served that post three years during the obama administration. he is a top adviser to the president-elect and has been. and newer...
Dec 7, 2020
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as you have been reporting, biden is set to nominate xavier becerra for health and secretary services department, what more do we know about this choice? >> reporter: that's right, becerra is the pick for health and services secretary, this comes amid a raging pandemic, one that biden promised to make this hhs pick even more important. a few things to know about xavier, he was offered this job in a friday's phone call binomial db by biden. he would be the first latino to lead hhs and as we mention at a critical moment amid ongoing health crisis. he was a 12th term congressman, ahead of the spanish c congression congressional. putting more latinos and latinas in highhigh-profile roles. we are also hearing that in the early part of this week whether it is tomorrow or the next day, we are going to hear more health related picks from this biden's transition team. among them is dr. murthy. he's going to be reprizing that role he held during the obama administration. this is continued reliance on people with government experience, becerra ran one of the largest department of justices, the l
as you have been reporting, biden is set to nominate xavier becerra for health and secretary services department, what more do we know about this choice? >> reporter: that's right, becerra is the pick for health and services secretary, this comes amid a raging pandemic, one that biden promised to make this hhs pick even more important. a few things to know about xavier, he was offered this job in a friday's phone call binomial db by biden. he would be the first latino to lead hhs and as...
Dec 7, 2020
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xavier becerra served in congress and leading the legal fight to protect the affordable care act, as republican states have tried to dismantle it. he will be facing challenges. >>> loyalty apparently has its limits, a source telling cnn that bill barr is considering quitting even before president trump leaves the white house. those new details are next. in a land not so far away, people are saving hundreds on the most reliable network with xfinity mobile. they can choose from the latest phones or bring their own. and because they get nationwide 5g at no extra cost, they live happily ever after. again, again. your wireless. your rules. your way to stay closer together this holiday season. switch and save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. and get $300 off when you buy the samsung galaxy note20 ultra 5g. learn more at xfinitymobile.com. >>> welcome back to r.cnn. attorney general bill barr is the latest trump administration official to come under fire from his boss. his transgression was not backing the -- and now sources are telling cnn that barr is considering leaving the justi
xavier becerra served in congress and leading the legal fight to protect the affordable care act, as republican states have tried to dismantle it. he will be facing challenges. >>> loyalty apparently has its limits, a source telling cnn that bill barr is considering quitting even before president trump leaves the white house. those new details are next. in a land not so far away, people are saving hundreds on the most reliable network with xfinity mobile. they can choose from the...
Dec 8, 2020
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. >> xavier becerra is being singled out by tom cotton who says he is unqualified, he spent his career attacking pro-life americans and tried to force pregnancy centers to advertise abortion. biden's pick for secretary of defense will also add diversity to his cabinet, retired general lloyd austin, the first black person to be the pentagon if confirmed that his selection is prompting concerns over the routing civilian control of the military. would require congressional waiver since he retired twee 7 years ago. and the latest progress of attack on biden's team watchdogs are leery of austen's role in equity firm in government contracts in which his secretary of state choice was involved in. shannon: thank you so much. for some more context on general lloyd austin, the left-leaning atlantic wrote in 2016 about his reported views on ice is, quote, according to administration officials, he oversees us military operations in the middle east, told the white house the islamic state was, quote, a flash in the pan. this analysis led obama in interview with the new yorker to describe the jihadis
. >> xavier becerra is being singled out by tom cotton who says he is unqualified, he spent his career attacking pro-life americans and tried to force pregnancy centers to advertise abortion. biden's pick for secretary of defense will also add diversity to his cabinet, retired general lloyd austin, the first black person to be the pentagon if confirmed that his selection is prompting concerns over the routing civilian control of the military. would require congressional waiver since he...
Dec 7, 2020
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the top pick for secretary of health and human services is xavier becerra. the hispanic caucus putting pressure on the incoming biden administration to include more latinos in leadership roles. becerra has a bigger profile when it comes to criminal justice, immigration and tax reform. he served 12 terms as a u.s. congressman. >> democrats are keeping a tight grip on the legislature. the democrats kept the super majority in both the senate and the assembly. several incumbents lost leaving democrats with 75% of the seats in both chambers. >>> san jose state's football team holding up to challenges on the field and off. it was moved last minute to the aloha state. they just announced the game against one loss. good luck to them. >> the 49ers face a make-or-break moment at their home away from home taking on the afc east leading buffalo bills. "monday night football." they're hosting not at levi's but at state farm stadium in phoenix where they relocated. a win tonight and they would be tied for the last nfc playoff spot with minnesota and arizona. trending this
the top pick for secretary of health and human services is xavier becerra. the hispanic caucus putting pressure on the incoming biden administration to include more latinos in leadership roles. becerra has a bigger profile when it comes to criminal justice, immigration and tax reform. he served 12 terms as a u.s. congressman. >> democrats are keeping a tight grip on the legislature. the democrats kept the super majority in both the senate and the assembly. several incumbents lost leaving...
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but the xavier's have already won over many customers for the single layer cellulose foam for example vegetable supply is like sun mom. the organic farm packs its way as an open crates the heads of lettuce and other salad greens will to if they aren't covered monika's some months which the box made of composite will film 6 months ago as the german waste disposal system doesn't cater for them some mom has come up with an interim solution. if you and your customers can definitely return these bags to us and we'll compost them not all of our customers have compost heaps or a composting bin but they can bring them back to us from positon it doesn't have to support. the vegetable delivery fam would also like to avoid using conventional plastic for their potted habs but because the thin film used for the leafy greens would come into contact with soil and the pots it would start decomposing too quickly causing it to rip too easily. xavier's have developed a new film for the application it takes twice as long to come past due the new film decomposes in $12.00 to $15.00 weeks in industrial fac
but the xavier's have already won over many customers for the single layer cellulose foam for example vegetable supply is like sun mom. the organic farm packs its way as an open crates the heads of lettuce and other salad greens will to if they aren't covered monika's some months which the box made of composite will film 6 months ago as the german waste disposal system doesn't cater for them some mom has come up with an interim solution. if you and your customers can definitely return these...
Dec 7, 2020
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history. >> we are here to stand up for the right way to do things. >> reporter: sacramento native xavier becerra will be now if president-elect joe biden's closest advisers. becerra , the current california attorney general, has been named to biden's cabinet as the next health and human services director. becerra is the son of immigrants from mexico. >> this news is great from not only california but sacramento. >> reporter: eric garrett is a friend of becerra and says the appointment is an achievement not only for becerra but for the city of sacramento too. >> it says a lot about sacramento's pride and also what kind of town we have here in our city for the nation. >> this is a guy who worked very hard. >> reporter: roger salazar is a strategist who worked on becerra 's attorney general election campaign. he says becerra 's protection of the affordable care act, which he also helped author under president obama, likely help to secure his selection. >> this is a critically important time for that department, given what is happening internationally and globally. >> becerra will be taking
history. >> we are here to stand up for the right way to do things. >> reporter: sacramento native xavier becerra will be now if president-elect joe biden's closest advisers. becerra , the current california attorney general, has been named to biden's cabinet as the next health and human services director. becerra is the son of immigrants from mexico. >> this news is great from not only california but sacramento. >> reporter: eric garrett is a friend of becerra and says...