interfere with the command and control don't interfere with sort of our surveillance capabilities not mr felder we have to take a very short break right now but we will be back in just a few moments. welcome back to worlds apart with miles congress senior fellow at the military institute of international studies at monterrey mr plumper before the break we were talking about. the resumption of the dial up and strategic stability and it has to be said that the u.s. state department has already issued a statement suggesting that they see it in you know well over the new start treaty as it's just the 1st step in that direction but i think what's the most crucial here is not the willingness to your. real is that dialogue i think the russians have been there ready for quite some time and actually the showing of discussion and you know last week i had a chance to talk to your the iranian foreign minister has arrived at me and he likes to say that the americans have this approach to negotiations what's mine is mine what's yours is negotiable and i think this is something that the russians share to you