time it came into adoption, what happened in 1789 they sent 12 amendments out to the state, 10 came bhakta were ratified and on december 15, 1791 the bill of rights the first 10 amendments were added to the constitution. host: did one person write the bill of rights or was it more group effort? guest: it was definitely a group effort. it was a big kerfuffle. democracy is messy and we had lots of disagreements but one thing the parties agreed on it should be set up to ensure freedom for the people and mitigate against tyranny. so, what happened is i give credit to madison, he was involved in that first congress, a great editor. he had been the father of the constitution. he relied on some of the work george mason did with the virginia declares of rights. he took that list of 200 plus and brought it down to 17 and then came down to 12 and then there was debate if it should be at the end or the beginning. he did the back room deals appear negotiations that ultimately allowed for it to pass. he was against the bill of rights before was for it. hamilton the same way. they were lake what if we w