how did the post whore in violation of the regime turned out to be a sonder block in the standard fuhr jagerbout our reprimand to you this is a russian translator, get permission. commissariat for labor is revealing to hang a whore . i'm glad we found an understanding. fine. travel listen be kind. doctor if where? you know? don't be afraid of me. i need a translator. i want to know what they say and think you will help me. sir officer i don't understand okay. can i have coffee? this is who you are so? in general, there are a few guys, you have to look at them live. take it away. shoes number 28 passed the test 18382 prisoners 385 sick 32 people died overnight, good. camp 18.382 prisoners tremble, listen, do not forget your father gave advice good man. hello, what's going on? you understand that without overgrowth must end. i said goodbye to life a long time ago. even when 181 dollars ran along with me. with mouthed funerals, with whom were they dragged by the ribs? the grave got out at night. so for the common cause, you charge me with a tank saved by memory. i know that the truth sold out.