status in the central square, adnally the historical building of gishyva and madernizatsiya zhylleva-kamunal infrastructure. yak rykhtuetstsa valozhyn huh? published in minsk, for more than 300 kvater, they will have large families in your home. ladies hang out between angarskaya and magnitnaya streets. the yans became the first in the teritory, and there will be a complex in the future. in addition, there will already be four standard furniture stores, a comfortable infrastructure for intellectuals in the modern steel sphere. bdu has announced new physical culture and health complexes, plans for fundamental education and school projects. this is a kindergarten 230 places, the borders of vogel , gurtiev, independence, well, a kindergarten, like all the latest gardens of a standard design with a swimming pool, all our educational institutions, the last ones that are being built, meet modern requirements, everything for children, everything for parents, for comfort and convenience, also an institution preschool education. and take into account the educational aspects at the present stage , all