attorney a lot of infst a statey general to look at the finance side and how these organizes operated through the dark economy. i know, there will be a rich number for comparison. i'd say it's 90% of the enforcement effort goes to the distribution element of the cartels operations with 10 bank account left for supply chain and finance, am i wrong about that. has that gone up? is that an order of magnitude that comports with your experience? how much room on the finance side? >> unfortunately drug money laundering has gone down. in the 2000s it was robust. the dea was seizing annually a billion, billion and half per year in drug cartel and drug proceeds off the streets. this includes removing assets and going after banks. it deceased dramatically. i know dea operations had a division. now it's just a unit. our capability to go after . . . >> the police investigations might run into this. my sense is there's not a very robust office for coordinating between agencies the various points in which criminal enterprises, that's the agencies that you're investigating, touched on the dark money