be, we were going to meet together in a month, that's it, that's it, that's it, you're here, pyotr vasilievich, you heard me, i'll go complain to the wabcom, that's it, end of communication, what are you, give me the address, whose, well, the address of the girls, who she went to, but there is no address, they will settle in, they will send, why are you crying so much, oh, sorry to bother you, nothing, nothing. may, i got you, i mean, this is life, eternal movement, yeah, and then we sleep in our chicken coop, you know, ladies, raise your glasses, let's drink to life, oh mommy, i'm so drunk, daddy should see. we'll get some sleep, we still have to sail for two days, and where are you going to live there? where, where, i 'll rent a place, pasha, in moscow everything is a pittance, oh, yeah okay, i have a head, hands, i'll have money, and where are you going to live, in a hostel , they'll give you a dormitory, if we get in, we'll spend the night at the station, yeah, yeah, well in that case i 'm offering you my shelter, well we'll live at the station for a couple of days, and then i'll organize