the organizers were arrested, and the activities of hindu religious groups, the rss, the vhp and the muslim jemaatiya islam were banned, as was the construction of the disputed territory. an opinion poll conducted by india today magazine at the time. said that the destruction of babur's mosque was approved by more than half of the inhabitants of northern india. in 2019, already under the government at rendramod, the supreme court of india transferred the disputed plot of land to the state of utrpradezh for the construction of the temple of god rama, and the muslim community was allocated more than 2 hectares near the former babri majet for a new mosque. the authorities also decided to build the tallest one in ayothi. the absolutely mega-popular series street was released simply when these episodes were shown there, and in parallel with this, the hariti janti party, hindu nationalists, began to promote the theme of ayothi. yes, this is an artificially promoted problem, yes, before this no one talked about anything, well, that is, someone knew about the ayothi problem, but it was not a