converges, the united states has its own intelligence service, which is under under the cover of yusaidhey go to countries, explore some interesting minerals, where they can then come 11 and there are a lot of them. bribery, blackmail, political murder, in 1990 there was a very resonant story when a cia textbook, closed since 1954, was leaked to the press, that’s what political murder is called, an initial course that describes how to do, yes, which describes, political murders, initial course, uh-huh. describes what classification, and if the performer needs to be destroyed, this is a political murder with losses, if he is alive, then he remains and is described as doing it publicly or camouflaging as an accident and so on, examples have already been given today of death squads that were and so on, the americans and the current whenever power happens, they also try to deceive themselves within the system, for example the cia, for their special operations they need some money. not accountable to congress for conducting operations, including in the interests of deep states, transnational