national security analyst, former fbi assistant direct for counterintelligence, retired fbi special agent arley ciccone. thank you both so much for being with us. frank, i had asked you what you anticipated hearing from the president of the united states. some details from the president about the investigation. what stuck out to you? >> i think it's more important to focus on what he didn't say then what he said. so he didn't say that there is no more threat to the public. he rather said that they are continuing to rule that out, so that's significant. and similarly, he didn't say emphatically, there's no connection between the las vegas event and the new orleans event, rather, that there's nothing yet indicating that. so this is very much fluid, very much ongoing, and he promised that as he got information that he could verify, that he would share it with the public, which i think is essential. >> always, bobby and frank figliuzzi, listening to what was not said and effect that that often says more than what our elected officials are able to say in these moments, given the tension between info