i wanted to choose that as my confirmation name but paul walsh didn't sound right. thing i like about st. paul, obviously some of the most beautiful words, some of those words can be found in the paula pistols. i can feel a connection to the fact that -- when you read them, he was quite blunt in the way he talked to people and addressed issues. to me it's a real rebuke of the kind of mr. rogers sort of christianity we've had fed to us, force-fed to us the last several decades because when you go -- even if you read the gospels and the way christ dealt with hypocrites and corruption, you also find it's more aggressive and blunt and direct. not mean-spirited or hateful, but it's calling the sin out and rebuking it directly. >> my confirmation site -- a saint is thomas but i don't know which one it was because i was a punk kid and i was an atheist and i don't remember if it was because i was doubting or i heard vaguely of thomas aquinas and i heard he was smart. it comes full circle because doubting thomas says let us go with the lord and die with him. st. thomas aquina