video, saying new york values
are american values.
the super pac setbacks john
kasich is out with a new tv ad.
>> so when you smear new york
values in iowa for votes, we
remember that too.
now you come here and
conveniently say that you love
new york.
forget about it, ted.
mark: so how vulnerable is cruz
now based on this attack from
was it a mistake that will cost
if he did noten
video, saying new york values
are american values.
the super pac setbacks john
kasich is out with a new tv ad.
>> so when you smear new york
values in iowa for votes, we
remember that too.
now you come here and
conveniently say that you love
new york.
forget about it, ted.
mark: so how vulnerable is cruz
now based on this attack from
was it a mistake that will cost
if he did noten