turned that case down because
i'll win that case in court.
>> donald trump gave $25,000 to
florida attorney general pam
bondi during her race back in
that is a fact.
why he gave it to her and how he
got the money to her, those are
tough questions for his
now, this is just one of the
many controversies dogging both
so what's real and what's bunk?
i love that word.
>> i know.
>> let's discuss.
here to walk us through and the
latest we have national
political reporter for the
washington post, phillip rucker
and senior cnn washington
correspondent jeff zeleny.
let's start off with trump.
we have three of the main
i know we'll get a lot of heat.
you could list, eight, nine, ten
different things if you want to
call them controversies, but
these are main ones.
we have the first one with the
money with pam bondi.
this wound up being about
timing, right?
and about the mechanism.
it went through a charity that
wasn't supposed to give
political donation miss...