called on issues even some
democrats believe you'd change
your positions based on
political expediency.
you defended president obama's
migration and now you are saying
it is too hard.
supported his trade deal and
called it the gold standard and
now you are against it.
what you say anything to get
elected --will you say anything
to get elected?
>> i've always spot for the same
fires and principles but like
most human beings, those of us
who run for office, i do absorb
new information and look at what
is happening in the world.
take big trade deals, i didn't
say when i was secretary of
state three years ago that i
hoped it would be the good
it was just finally negotiated
last week.
looking at it, it did not meet
my standard.
my standard for more new good
jobs americans, raising wages
for americans and i want to make
sure that i can look into the
eyes of any middle-class
american and say, this will help
raise your wages and i
concluded, i cannot.
respect, the question
is about...