campaigning is a dream ♪
♪ there's no difference between
obama and hillary ♪
♪ hello from the caucus now
>> you've got hillary clinton
doing the whip and the naenae in
do you think you'll have as much
success as adele had with her
>> if i do, i'm the next
president of the united states,
hands down.
>> how did you like my
impression of adele?
>> it was genius.
what i get across, you're doing
the work of meeting the people
and walking the streets of iowa.
and the fields of iowa.
and usually that results in
victory and success.
and this is -- if donald trump
is successful he'll rewrite how
it's done.
if you do well, you'll say the
old way still works.
>> well, here's why i think the
old way is important.
it requires a person who's a
going to be president to go out
and meet farmers and welders and
housewives and teachers and
retired people and unemployed
truck drivers.
i mean, i just think that if
you're going to be president, i
hope that the only people you
meet aren't the...