a man attacked me in a parking garage.
tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife.
but i carry a pistol.
i fight back.
that's why i'm still here.
every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun
if she chooses.
hillary clinton disagrees with that.
don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun.
a man attacked me in a parking garage.
tried to stab me with an 8-inch knife.
but i carry a pistol.
i fight back.
that's why i'm still here.
every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun
if she chooses.
hillary clinton disagrees with that.
don't let politicians take away your right to own a gun.
than everywhere else.
and that's just wrong.
we should permanently eliminate
automatic pay raises for congress.
i'm working with cory gardner
to force senators to stay in washington
if another government shutdown seems possible.
and i'm fighting to ban members of congress
from ever becoming lobbyists.
because washington's got to change.
than everywhere else.
and that's just wrong.
we should permanently eliminate
automatic pay raises for congress.
i'm working with cory gardner
to force senators to stay in washington
if another government shutdown seems possible.
and i'm fighting to ban members of congress
from ever becoming lobbyists.
because washington's got to change.