mississippi truck and trailer
repair in rock island four
years ago.(steve pruett, christmas truck driver)so we
were looking at the truck and
were like, let's do something
for christmas. so we just
started throwing some
christmas lights on it and it
just kind of evolved from
there.with thousands of
lights, a blow up snow globe,
a christmas tree and even a
nose fit for a reindeer --
this semi has become a "big
deal" in local illinois cities.
thank you merry christmas.
02:10:25-02:10:26thank you
very much, merry christmas.but
steve pruett says... the
reason he drives this larger
than life christmas sleigh is
for reactions like little
jason russell's.(jason
screaming and waving)(lindsay
russel, holiday shopper)we
were actually back in the
woman's clothing department
and the doors were opening and
i heard the music.needless to
say... i think jason enjoyed
the truck more than the
shopping... a sentiment shared
by many others...i think it's
02:12:34-02:12:38the kids sure
liked it didn't...