way to the camp from syria.
an update to what we now know
is another terrorist attack.
attack.the f-b-i is now saying
the shooting at a navy reserve
center in chattanooga,
tennessee was motivated by terrorist propaganda.
propaganda.they hesitated to
call it act of terror
before.mohammad youssef abdul-
az-eez attacked two military
sites in july killing five
u.s. service members. tpe navy
announced the families of the
five service members killed
will recievevepurple hearts.
morning,the pentagon is
acknowledhing that defense
secretary ash carter used his
personal email account while
doing government business
during his first months on the
job.carter says it was a
mistake.presidential candidate
hillary clinton came under
fire for doing the same thing
as secretary of state.
in the afrmath of the great
recession -- the federal
banking system dropped
interest rates to near zero.
the move six years ago was
supposed to keep the flow of
borrowing -- spending and
investing moving...