so, what are we waiting for?
<< my guests today are hunter
and sydney. today
we're talking about the east
high school
madrigig coming up on fridayay
december 11th
and saturday december 12th.
sydney give us a tutorial,
what's a madrigal? a madrigal is
it's full of fun, music,
dinner over a five course meal.
we sing thirteen
songs as the chamber choir. it's
just a blast to
come out, it's a lot of fun.
hunter, there's singing and there's performing as well.
there's a play that goes on
during the madrigal. the play happens in between different
songs and there's some audience
involvement. it's fun. everyone gets involved and it's really
fun. there's some things you can
sing too? you've got silent night, if
people want to sing if they're
so moved they