entering the country.
>> donald j. trump is calling
for a total and complete shut
down of muslims entering the
united states until our
country's representatives can
figure out what the hell is
going on.
>> not take long for trump's
republican opponents to condemn
his proposal.
jeb bush called trump unhirshed.
fiorina cled trauma's quote
>> a severed pigs head is thrown
outside the academy on
germantown avenue.
the building is home to a school
mosque and inter faith community
surveillance cameras captured
red pick up driving past the
center with two people inside.
>> the intent of that person who
did that was obviously a hate
i mean it was an attempt to
deface row hiss? institution.
a pig' head doesn't do much, i
mean, physicall physically, i mt
next thing ab pipe bomb.
>> the incident is under
investigation by both local and
federal law enforcement agenci
mayor elect jim kenney released
a statement condemning the