>>> i aim unifier.
we'll be a unifying party.
>> he's a con artist.
a phony.
>> donald is a bully.
>> this is an individual who
mocked a disabled reporter.
>> i don't remember.
>> who attributed a reporter's
questions to her menstrual
>> the most vulgar person ever
to aspire to the presidency.
>> a new web video coming from
the clinton campaign.
trying to set its sights on
donald trump now that he's the
presumptive republican nominee.
as hillary clinton tries to
shift to november and zero in on
trump she still has the pesky
meter of the battle with bernie
sanders for the democratic
he got a big win this week in
if you look at the map, he has a
lot of other states he's well
positioned to win the rest of
the way.
bernie sanders says don't give
up on me yet.
i can still pull this out.
i got the win in indiana.
let's look at where he is and
exactly what that means.
this is the delegate count.
the superdelegates can
technically change their mind.
what would make...