pushing her son in a stroller
when a wall of water sent her
toppling and the baby into the water.
slater saw the whole thing.
no one else even knew what happened.
>> it was 10 feet of water in
the air.
he was 20, 30 seconds.
i thought, oh, my god, there'
s a baby.
jc: you can see the photos here.
he returned to the beach to meet
up with the family, this time taking them to play in the water.
hawaii waves can be so huge and
the force of it and the undertow --
ed: can you imagine the length
of time, from a to b, 20
jc: newscenter 5 at 6:00 starts
right now.
>> now on newscenter 5 --
>> shots fired!
jc: guns, knives, cash, the
violent gangs after a major
mike: get ready for a warm