where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. p
my campaign is powered by over
a million small contributions,
people like you
rwho want to fight back. p
the truth is you can't change
a corrupt system
by taking its money. r i'm bernie sanders.
i approve this message.
where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. p
my campaign is powered by over
a million small contributions,
people like you
rwho want to fight back. p
the truth is you can't change
a corrupt system
by taking its money. r i'm bernie sanders.
i approve this message.
you- she understands that our
rcountry can't reach it's
unless we all do.
a stronger country.
>> now on newscenter 5's
"eyeopener." randy: a young officer gunned down.
new england communities in mourning.
kelley: the tributes planned here today to honor her
you- she understands that our
rcountry can't reach it's
unless we all do.
a stronger country.
>> now on newscenter 5's
"eyeopener." randy: a young officer gunned down.
new england communities in mourning.
kelley: the tributes planned here today to honor her