recording with billy bush and
access hode may be the kind of
surprise even donald trump can't
survive. >> i moved on her.
i was in palm beach.
i moved on her and i failed.
she was married.
i moved on her very heavily.
in fact, i took her out
furniture shopping.
she wanted to get some
furniture. i said i'll show you wher
i moved on her like a -- i
couldn't get there.
she was married. i see her, she's got the big
phony -- she's changed her look.
i've got to take some tictacs.
when you're a star they let you
do it.
you can do anything.
>> anything you want.
>> grab them by the --
>> hi, how?
republican nominee donald trump
ended up releasing what he said
was an apology late saturday
he said the following, i will
never drop out of the race, will
never let my supporters down.
also trump's wife melania put
out a statement calling his
words offensive.
then she went on saying, i hope
people will accept his apology
as i have and focus on issues
facing our nation and the world.
trump is...