laundering prostitution. generally. here's what they
've been up to lately. and let's
see what the foxy journalists tell us
about this creepy event. these are people who
claim to want transparency and
openness. actually, it's litmus
a piece of paper showing which of the people is the worst of all
in the world, and it is they who go to such
events. as it is, everyone has their own interest,
investors want the head. insider information
politicians want to get a
job from these investors after leaving office in fact,
as we have already noted, they are surrounded by secrecy, but
in fact it is a cult
wrapped in a scam, which in turn
is wrapped in secrecy. this is a real scam
we saw a report that the
sex trade went up sharply
around the same time this started.
summit have you heard anything about this michaels.
everyone knows about this sex workers come
from all over europe to serve the respectable
billionaire investors of their employees. this is
a terrible organization. so if you...