federal appealss today.
john terrett is hear to tell us
>> we have been waiting for this
trial to start since the turn of
the year and it hasn't yet, and
one of the reasons for that is
jury selection.
but now with jury selection
coming to a close.
the legal team feel that time is
running out.
the presiding district court
judge in the case has rejected
such a move on three separate
so the defense team went before
a three-judge federal appeals
panel today hoping for a
different outcome.
they argue that it's not
possible to find a jury in
boston, because everyone there
knows someone who was directly
impacted by the bombings.
three people were killed and 260
were injured in the blast, and
he is facing the death penalty
if he is indeed convicted.
>> is there a precedent for
moving such a high-profile case
to another city.
>> i think the one that people