demand justice even though justice isn't likely to be delivered soon.
at the critical long refugee camp in cox's bazaar bangladesh the reuters news
agency is reporting that saudi arabia's king solomon has stepped in to prevent the
national oil company from issuing shares to the public his son crown prince
mohammed bin simon wants to sell five percent of the company which is known as
a ram co such divestment would open up the company's finances to independence
auditors but the reuters report says the king doesn't want to do that officially
they saudi government says the offer has been postponed not counseled roberts'
model nikki is a senior analyst at the group it's
a consultancy an advocacy organization he says saudi arabia has economic outlook is
improving. we have to remember back when this i.p.o.
was announced it was early two thousand and sixteen the economic context was very
different than it is now saudi arabia was coming off of
a year where their budget deficit reached close to...