it when it entered into force and it took some of them actually france and china in
particular some 20 years and other nuclear states india pakistan israel
never joined never signed and north korea also as we know has been trying to to
test and acquire nuclear weapons so we have
a 9 problem state as far as international security is concerned with
the threats of animate major risks and dangers from nuclear weapons now that the
treaties and to enforce we have the legal and normative instrument and it's backed
a growing number of states not just the $84.00 who signed that but many more in the
pipeline what we have to do is work together as happened with all treaties to build
up and
a verification and implementation system and to bring those additional states on
board now i can has already been persuading cities all around the world
including washington d.c.
and los angeles and paris and and manchester and edinburgh here in the u.k.