in its tracks. -- earlier, the bbc's
victoria derbyshire programme
covered the story. one woman, whose
mother died of cancer, told the
programme about the importance of
programme about the importance of
smear tests. my mother's death
resulted in my father setting up the
trust... and so i am a trustee and
we do
trust... and so i am a trustee and
trust... and so i am a trustee and
we do a lot of work trying to
keep people informed about why it is
keep people informed about why it is
so important to show up when you are
invited, what it is actually about,
what the experience would be like,
trying to put people at these.“
eve ryo ne
trying to put people at these.“
everyone took up testing, are you
saying nobody need die of cervical
cancer? i don't think scientifically
you can say 100% but certainly we
know we can prevent this cancer, it
is not even just a case of curing
the cancer while you have it, it is
preventing it before it reaches that
stage. certainly we know...