are being ripped off
by mobile phone companies.
patricia gibson said many consumers
were continuing to pay
for their handset after they had
covered the cost of buying it.
having a mobile phone today
has pretty much become
a necessity to all of us.
even though we may often wish
we didn't, we rely on them
all to a certain extent.
it is just the modern way
that we live our lives.
and i am sure, like me,
the minister is deeply concerned
to hear about the report
from citizens advice that too many
loyal mobile phone customers
are being ripped off
by their providers.
and i use the term
advisedly, mr chair —
ripped off by their providers.
most people pay for their
handset over two years
of their phone contract.
she pointed to research
by citizens advice.
it seems that 36% of mobile handset
customers stay on their previous
contract after the 2a
month fixed period.
on average, people stay
on their contract for
an extra seven months.
however, the chances are,
that if you are a customer with one