just so you know, there were three
people in a room with dave white,
jamie roach and me, and he was a
contentious situation where jimmy
did not like dave white. at all.
so... ok. so dave white came home
one weekend and jamie had moved all
of his furniture out to the
courtyard. that's your source on
that. the drinking is one thing...
there's much more if you look at the
redacted portion about what i said.
i will. can ijust ask one more
question? tricking is one thing, but
the concern is about the
truthfulness, and in your written
testimony, you said sometimes you
had too many drinks. was there ever
a time when you drink so much that
you couldn't remember what happens
or part of what happened the night
before? no, ira member what
happened, andl
before? no, ira member what
happened, and i think you probably
have had beers, senator, and so...