operated in his role?|j
we know about howjohn bolton
operated in his role? i think we
know thatjohn bolton took a really
different approach to the national
security adviser role than has been
traditionally taken. the national
security adviser is traditionally a
job that is behind the scenes and
tremendously important in
co—ordinating the different parts of
us foreign policy, the defence,
state departments, making sure
everybody is singing from the same
sheet of music and also teaming up
options for the presidents to
decide. john bolton saw his role
differently, historic as convincing
as president of his more hawkish
opinions. he had a much more public
face. he travelled and tweeted a lot
and often time he was not in sync
with the president in the messages
he sent. as a result, mr trump is
make policy became less coherent. we
are hearing a lot of foreign policy