you can retire five years before
a bus driver in lyon.
when we ask in the polls,
"do you agree with the idea
of a unique regime which is more
equalfor everyone?"
they say 80% yes.
when you ask them, "should we get
a minimum pension of 1,000 euros
to all the farmers or
the workers who today
have a pension lower
than 1000 euros?"
they say 80% yes.
when you look at the items
of reform in the polls,
they are supported.
but you're still not winning
the argument because,
if you look at the polls,
the french people on the whole,
while they accept they need reform,
they don't like these reforms
and you know more than me,
a whole history of french
presidents, one can think
of presidents in the last generation
or two, chirac to sarkozy,
who have tried this fundamental
and they have been fundamentally
destroyed by it and it will happen
to mr macron too.
i'll tell you it's always difficult
to reform the social model in france
and specifically to pensions
because retirement is...