whos speak to john gieve
joins us from westminster.
we spoke to you just before
brexit and we were talking about
consequences of a brexit.
.verall, a comment on the banks
are they stable and do they have
enough liquidity?
john: yes, i think so.
they have a lot more capital and
liquidity than in 2008 and the
initial shock aims to have
--sed reasonably smoothly
seems to have passed reasonably
ishink the focus from now on
what is the prospect for bank
will this shock lead to another
contraction of credit?
francine: overall, has it been
thanks to mark carney that
-- theyave been felt
are a little bit more stable
than brexit could've gone, is
that a fair comment?
john: i think everyone was
mark, his whole team, that other
central banks in europe
particularly were ready to