kevin: the senate majority
ader, mitch mcconnell,
doesn't have the votes right
now, tom, balls the junior
enator from kentucky, rand
paul, as well as people like
senator ted cruz, mike johnson
i'm sorry, senator johnson,
senator lee, are also opposing
this as a result of saying that
the bill isn't conserve testify
, en you talk to moderates
including senator kevin heller,
2018, who flexion
feel this bill is too far to
the right.
watch all of this go on as, of
we're awaiting the
nonpartisan congressional but
office score.
we could get that today or
that's right where he
wanted to do.
to me, dean hell certificate
ost interesting senator from
heller is the most
interesting senator from
what does senator heller,
desperate to get re-elected,
what does he need from the
congressional budget office?
kevin: you can't be kicking
people off healthcare.
that number, coming from the
like we saw in the
house, it's like political deja
vu all over again, look...