mark: in the context of being a
candidate, he won the white
house having never run for
anything before and making lots
and lots of mistakes and somehow
still won.
he won for other things,
including weakness from his
opponent but i think he was an
impressive presidential
candidate, based on the result.
this is one of the most
consequential things that have
happened to be talked about by
americans for as long as there
is history of america.
i meet people all the time and
this was true before he took
office but after he was elected
who say this is the worst thing
that's ever happened to me.
not to the country, but to me.
the trauma this has caused
amongst tens of millions of
americans is profound.
9/11 was a dramatic event for
the country and people dying is
a bigger deal than anything else
but this is a profound event for
the people on the left, as a
mobilization thing and also
there are people who wake up and
cannot believe this is happening
and on the other side there...