on alcoa.
meantime let's bring in gary
kaminsky who's standing by in
englewood cliffs, that magical
place we know as our
>> e.c.
>> e.c., gary kaminsky-u heard
joe and pete asparring a bit but
my question to you --
>> first thing is welcome back
from the vacay.
and second thing is pete, that's
an awesome tan.
and third thing, karen is right.
i've been -- for 20 years alcoa
has always had an issue.
you talk about every market
cycle, it always has an issue
every quarter.
>> all right.
so is this different this time
>> it is.
>> the last earnings season
alcoa really started the start
of some sort of a market
do you think we're going to see
the same sort of trading this
time around?
>> i do not.
and if you recall back in
january, melissa, i thought that
the nasdaq was ripe for a
correction right after earnings
if you remember, where we were
this time january, you had good
earnings, bad stock action, and
then you had that nice...