when the business faltered even
the direct sellers herbalife and
the tupperware flourished.
they were talking about the
business model not being any
procter & gamble said the world
was rebelled from high priced
products when colgate was
running circles around it.
we saw this play out in fast
wendy's lamented that the
consumers can't afford a
hamburger today but it could
tomorrow when mcdonald's said it
was selling them by the
supermarkets, safeway and super
value say the consumer is
moribund while costco stole
food shoppers away from
traditional supermarkets.
here's the bottom line.
whatever the industry when a
company blames poor performance
on a tough environment it's
probably making excuses.
not telling you something that
applies to stronger competitors
which are likely running circles
around it.
don't believe the hype.
patrick in arizona.
oh, let's go to della in
california, first.