>> thank you for that response.
i know the fbi pays particular
attention to groups by training
local law enforcement officers
and participating in local hate
crime working groups is that
>> yes, sir.
>> some of these seem relatively
harmless but others appear to be
very dangerous and growing.
some even promote genocide in
their postings and rhetoric
in your experience, how
dangerous are these groups and
have they insighted violence in
the past.
>> that would be too hard to
answer in the abstract.
some groups are dangerous and
some groups are exercising
important protected speech under
the first amendment.
>> let me ask about a more
direct question.
a gentleman named andrew is the
editor of a website called the
daily stormer that is dedicated
to the supreme sy of the white
race as well as attack jews,
muslims and others.
the website features post with
the #white genocide to protest
what they contend is an effort
to eliminate the white race.
are you familiar with...