he's snot old.
he's our friend for a long time
i meant.
they join us now.
i don't think the appointments
are actually official yet, but
can you gentlemen confirm this
has happened?
>> we can, indeed.
we're thrilled to be here and
we're thrilled to work for the
president-elect and honored to
have these positions.
>> congratulations.
>> let's start with this.
it's a two prong question.
number one, because we talk
about it all the time.
what is the potential gdp growth
for this u.s. economy, number
what do you guys see it as that
we can average?
>> it's seasonally adjusted this
quarter but i believe we can
have sustained growth at that
and to get there our number one
priority is tax reform.
this will be the largest tax
change since reagan.
we've talked about this during
the campaign.
wilbur and i have worked very
closely together on the
we're going to cut corporate
taxes which will bring huge
amounts of jobs back to the
united states.
>> where do you think you...